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GraphQL on HTTP middleware with built-in validations and GraphQL playground


It provides GraphQL on HTTP middleware that can be embedded in any server.

Essentially, it takes a Request object and returns a Response object.

In the meantime, it performs HTTP request validation, processes GraphQL, and response object with the appropriate status code and message.

There is also a built-in GraphQL Playground.


A simple example of creating a GraphQL server.

std/http + grpahql.js

import { graphqlHttp } from "$VERSION/mod.ts";
import {
} from "$VERSION/http/mod.ts";
import { buildSchema } from "$VERSION";

const schema = `type Query {
  hello: String!
const graphqlResponse = graphqlHttp({
  schema: buildSchema(schema),
  rootValue: {
    hello: () => "world",
  playground: true,

const handler: Handler = (req) => {
  const { pathname } = new URL(req.url);
  if (pathname === "/graphql") {
    return graphqlResponse(req);

  return new Response("Not Found", {
    status: Status.NotFound,



This project is implemented in accordance with GraphQL over HTTP Spec.

Response Status

The following response statuses may be returned. These are Request errors and Field errors and all statuses are 200 in case of Field errors.

Status Condition
200 If GraphQL is actually executed, even if it contains Field errors.
400 A required parameter does not exist. Illegal format of parameter.
405 When a mutation operation is requested on GET request.
406 The client Accept HTTP header does not contain at least one of the supported media types.
415 The client Content-type HTTP header does not contain at least one of the supported media types.
500 If the server encounters an unexpected error.


Copyright © 2022-present TomokiMiyauci.

Released under the MIT license