Auto quote plugin for grammY

This plugin provides a transformer for setting the reply_to_message_id param in every message your bot sends, and a middleware to install the transformer to every route, if you with to do so.

How does it work

This plugin works by setting reply_to_message_id param to the value of ctx.msg.message_id for every API method that starts with send (except for sendChatAction).

Usage (for a single route)

import { Bot } from 'grammy'
import { addReplyParam } from ''

const bot = new Bot('')

bot.command('demo', async (ctx) => {

  ctx.reply('Demo command!') // This will quote the user's message


Usage (for every route)

import { Bot } from 'grammy'
import { autoQuote } from ''

const bot = new Bot('')


bot.command('demo', async (ctx) => {
  ctx.reply('Demo command!') // This will quote the user's message

bot.command('hello', async (ctx) => {
  ctx.reply('Hi there :)') // Also quotes the user's message
