
A flow of addons.

This module is the successor of ihack2712/middleware.

// Imports
import Flow from "./mod.ts";

// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any
const flow = new Flow<(num: number) => any>();

    async (num, next) => {
        console.log("The magic number is:", num);
        await next();
    // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any
    new Flow<(num: number) => any>(
        async (num, next) => {
            console.log("Hi from sub middleware.");
            await next();
    async (_, next) => {
        await next();
    num => console.log(num),
    num => console.log("You won't see this.")

// Run the flow.
await flow.run(1);

You can also pass a next function to <Flow>.run(...args, next?) and Flow will call that next function instead of creating an empty one.