Exchange Connectors

This module shall support the emergence of perfect markets by simplifying market access etc.

To showcase the features at hand from a business perspective we introduce Volatility Farming - hoping to set a trend here :)

Volatility Farming exploits unnecessary (manipulation induced) volatility and supports the emergence of a reasonable (fundamentals based) price stability - especially when it is done via DAOs with huge capital pools - open to people - supporting layer 0 :)

Contributions are welcome - please raise issues or PRs to share improvement proposals or contact us via our english-, russian- and german speaking Telegram Group.

Centralized Exchanges (CEXes)

Bybit General Interaction

See also the Bybit Example Client and Bybit Connector for more usage examples.

import { IExchangeConnector } from ""
import { BybitConnector } from ""

export class ExampleClient {

    private exchangeConnector: IExchangeConnector

    public constructor(private apiKey: string, private apiSecret: string) {
        this.exchangeConnector = new BybitConnector(apiKey, apiSecret)

    public async showUsageExamples(): Promise<void> {
        const accountInfo = await this.exchangeConnector.getFuturesAccountData()
        const positions = await this.exchangeConnector.getPositions()

const apiKey = Deno.args[0]
const apiSecret = Deno.args[1]

const exampleClient = new ExampleClient(apiKey, apiSecret)

await exampleClient.showUsageExamples()

Bybit Usage Example: Volatility Farming

Via Deno (need to keep the terminal open)

deno run --unstable --allow-net <yourByBitAPIKey> <yourByBitAPISecret> <yourMongoDBUser> <yourMongoDBPassword> InvestmentAdvisorBTCLongShortExtreme BybitConnector MongoService

Via PM2 (in the background)

git clone  
cd exchange-connectors  
pm2 start -n "volatility-farming" --interpreter="deno" --interpreter-args="run --unstable --allow-net" ./src/volatility-farming/volatility-farmer/start-volatility-farmer.ts -- <yourByBitAPIKey> <yourByBitAPISecret> <yourMongoDBUser> <yourMongoDBPassword> InvestmentAdvisorBTCLongShortExtreme BybitConnector MongoService 

Explore it in action:

Decentralized Exchanges (DEXes)

Under Construction
Shall we use the web3 deno module (is web3 ready for deno?)?
