MIT licensed deno_mod tag


A collection of modules written in TypeScript for common Deno programming tasks.

Why Create More Deno Modules?

The use of Deno Standard Library or Deno API Runtime is preferable - but I was unable to find specific functions I needed. So I created the following as deno_mod modules instead. These functions are frequently used in many of my programs. To ensure I only write them once, and maintain them in one place as modules, made sense for many reasons.

You are welcome to use them as well if you wish.

Import Usage

Below describes two approaches to including the deno_mod into a project using import.

Versions tags

Link to the mod.ts file using the module tag for the version that is to be used. In the example below the version tag 0.7.0 is specified.

The recommended approach is to choose a version so you are not impacted by any future changes unexpectedly. The example below explicitly states the version tag 0.7.0 which is the current version.

Import from Deno.Land/X is a hosting service for Deno scripts that can be access and searched from the Deno main web site under Deno Third Party Modules link. The site caches releases of open source modules stored on GitHub and serves them at one easy to remember domain. Below are the names to use to access deno_mod modules from the site:

The import url for the current version is always:

Import from GitHub

Alternatively, if you prefer to import the Deno modules directly from this GitHub repo, the following import syntax can be used. JUst replace the link syntax shown below with any examples shown for

The import url for the current version is always:

Import Specific Modules

Import the specific modules to be used. For example, to only use the modules: existsFile, existsDir, and isString the follow import statement would be used:

import {
} from "";

Any of the modules can then be accessed using their name as follows:

if (existsFile("/some/file/path.txt")) {
  console.log("File exists!");
} else {
  console.error("File not found.");

Import All Modules

Alternatively it is possible to import all the available modules:

import * as my_deno_mod from "";

Any module can then be accessed using the name you stated (ie my_deno_mod in the example above) as follows:

if (my_deno_mod.existsFile("/some/file/path.txt")) {
  console.log("File exists!");
} else {
  console.error("File not found.");

Modules Overview

The current modules included, and a brief description of their purpose is below. For more extensive information on each module, see the source code itself, as that includes additional comments. The tests for each module also provide examples of usage. Current modules included are:

  • 'exists_dir.ts' : contains the function existDir that checks if the provided file system path is for a directory that exists. The function returns a boolean to confirm if the directory provided exists.
  • 'exists_file.ts' : contains the function existFile that checks if the provided file system path is for a file that exists. The function returns a boolean to confirm if the filename provided exists.
  • type_guard.ts : contains a number of type guard functions including: isNumber and isString. These check for specific TypeScript types (ie string, number, etc) and affirm that the type is correct.
  • to_title_case.ts : contains function toTitleCaseFirst used to capitalise the first character of a string.
  • cli_version.ts : contains function cliVersion used to display basic version information for any command line application.


All modules have associated tests. These can be run with the command: deno test --allow-read


The code provided in the modules and their useage is covered by the MIT License. See A copy of the applications license is here deno_mod MIT License.