FFmpeg is really nice to use and quite handy for alot of applications But we didn't have any easy wrapper for it in Deno, so now we do :D

List of features

  • Video bitrate(VBR and CBR)
  • FFMPEG Filters
  • Easy to use
  • All methods are chainable
  • Frequently updated and maintained by me

Basic example

save() is used to start the render process.

you should always use save() or saveWithProgress() as last option
you should always specify the ffmpegDir in the constructor or via the setFfmpegPath() method!

import { ffmpeg } from "./mod.ts";
let videoRender = ffmpeg({ input: "./dev/video0", ffmpegDir: "./dev/ffmpeg" });
await videoRender.videoBitrate("1000k").save("./output.mp4");

How to contribute

Format code with deno fmt
Lint with deno lint
Run tests with deno test --doc src/ffmpegClass.ts && deno test -A --fail-fast tests

Authors & Acknowledgments

  • Skyler "MierenMans" van Boheemen - Author