
TypeScript library to download binary files from GitHub releases detecting the correct platform. Example:

import dbin from "https://deno.land/x/dbin/mod.ts";

const binfile = await dbin({
  version: "v0.8.1",
  targets: [
    { name: "x86_64-unknown-linux-musl", os: "linux", arch: "x86_64" },
    { name: "x86_64-apple-darwin", os: "darwin", arch: "x86_64" },
    { name: "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc", os: "windows", arch: "x86_64" },
  dest: "./_bin/pagefind",

This function does the following:

  • Detects the current target (for example, for linux and x86_64 the target is x86_64-unknown-linux-musl).
  • Replace the variables {version} and {target} in the patternurl.
  • Download the file.
  • Decompress the .tar.gz file.
  • Output to the dest file (./_bin/pagefind in the example). If the current os is Windows, the .exe extension is appended to the file name.
  • Change the output file permissions to 0o764 (except in Windows). Set the chmod option for other value compatible with Deno.chmod.
  • Returns the full path to the executable file.
  • If the function is executed again, and the dest file exists, it does nothing. Set override: true to download the file again.