Additional functions for JavaScript programming in practice.
npm i @ayonli/jsext
import jsext from "@ayonli/jsext";
Note: this package works well in both CommonJS and ES Module.
try<E = Error, T = any, A extends any[] = any[], TReturn = any, TNext = unknown>(fn: (...args: A) => AsyncGenerator<T, TReturn, TNext>, ...args: A): AsyncGenerator<[E, T], [E, TReturn], TNext>
try<E = Error, T = any, A extends any[] = any[], TReturn = any, TNext = unknown>(fn: (...args: A) => Generator<T, TReturn, TNext>, ...args: A): Generator<[E, T], [E, TReturn], TNext>
try<E = Error, R = any, A extends any[] = any[]>(fn: (...args: A) => Promise<R>, ...args: A): Promise<[E, R]>
try<E = Error, R = any, A extends any[] = any[]>(fn: (...args: A) => R, ...args: A): [E, R]
try<E = Error, T = any, TReturn = any, TNext = unknown>(gen: AsyncGenerator<T, TReturn, TNext>): AsyncGenerator<[E, T], [E, TReturn], TNext>
try<E = Error, T = any, TReturn = any, TNext = unknown>(gen: Generator<T, TReturn, TNext>): Generator<[E, T], [E, TReturn], TNext>
try<E = Error, R = any>(job: Promise<R>): Promise<[E, R]>
func<T, R = any, A extends any[] = any[]>(fn: (this: T, defer: (cb: () => void) => void, ...args: A) => R): (this: T, ...args: A) => R
wrap<T, Fn extends (this: T, ...args: any[]) => any>(fn: Fn, wrapper: (this: T, fn: Fn, ...args: Parameters<Fn>) => ReturnType<Fn>): Fn
throttle<T, Fn extends (this: T, ...args: any[]) => any>(handler: Fn, duration: number): Fn
throttle<T, Fn extends (this: T, ...args: any[]) => any>(handler: Fn, options: { duration: number; for?: any }): Fn
mixins<T extends Constructor<any>, M extends any[]>(base: T, ...mixins: { [X in keyof M]: Constructor<M[X]> }): T & Constructor<UnionToIntersection<FlatArray<M, 1>>>
mixins<T extends Constructor<any>, M extends any[]>(base: T, ...mixins: M): T & Constructor<UnionToIntersection<FlatArray<M, 1>>>
read<I extends AsyncIterable<any>>(iterable: I): I
read(es: EventSource, options?: { event?: string; }): AsyncIterable<string>
read<T extends Uint8Array | string>(ws: WebSocket): AsyncIterable<T>
read<T>(target: EventTarget, eventMap?: { message?: string; error?: string; close?: string; }): AsyncIterable<T>
read<T>(target: NodeJS.EventEmitter, eventMap?: { data?: string; error?: string; close?: string; }): AsyncIterable<T>
run<T, A extends any[] = any[]>(script: string, args?: A, options?: { fn?: string; timeout?: number; adapter?: "worker_threads" | "child_process" }): Promise<{ workerId: number; abort(): Promise<void>; result(): Promise<T>; iterate(): AsyncIterable<T>; }>
See index.ts for details and docs.
import { capitalize, chunk, /* ... */ } from "@ayonli/jsext/string";
// or
import "@ayonli/jsext/string/augment";
compare(str1: string, str2: string): -1 | 0 | 1
random(length: number): string
count(str: string, sub: string): number
capitalize(str: string, all?: boolean): string
hyphenate(str: string): string
words(str: string): string[]
chunk(str: string, length: number): string[]
truncate(str: string, length: number): string
byteLength(str: string): number
compare(str1: string, str2: string): -1 | 0 | 1
random(length: number): string
count(sub: string): number
capitalize(all?: boolean): string
hyphenate(): string
words(): string[]
chunk(length: number): string[]
truncate(length: number): string
byteLength(): number
import { isFloat, random } from "@ayonli/jsext/number";
// or
import "@ayonli/jsext/number/augment";
isFloat(value: unknown): boolean
random(min: number, max: number): number
sequence(min: number, max: number, step?: number, loop?: boolean): Generator<number, void, unknown>
When augmenting, these functions will be attached to the Number
import { count, split, /* ... */ } from "@ayonli/jsext/array";
// or
import "@ayonli/jsext/array/augment";
count<T>(arr: RealArrayLike<T>, ele: T): number
equals<T>(arr1: RealArrayLike<T>, arr2: RealArrayLike<T>): boolean
split<T>(arr: RealArrayLike<T>, delimiter: T): RealArrayLike<T>[]
chunk<T>(arr: RealArrayLike<T>, length: number): RealArrayLike<T>[]
uniq<T>(arr: T[]): T[]
shuffle<T>(arr: T[]): T[]
orderBy<T>(arr: T[], key: keyof T, order: "asc" | "desc" = "asc"): T[]
groupBy<T>(arr: T[], fn: (item: T, i: number) => string | symbol, type?: ObjectConstructor): Record<string | symbol, T[]>
groupBy<T, K extends string>(arr: T[], fn: (item: T, i: number) => K, type: MapConstructor): Map<K, T[]>
first(): T
last(): T
count(ele: T): number
equals(another: T[]): boolean
split(delimiter: T): T[][]
chunk(length: number): T[][]
uniq(): T[]
shuffle(): T[]
toShuffled(): T[]
toReversed(): T[]
toSorted(fn?: ((a: T, b: T) => number) | undefined): T[]
orderBy(key: keyof T, order?: "asc" | "desc"): T[]
groupBy(fn: (item: T, i: number) => string | symbol, type?: ObjectConstructor): Record<string | symbol, T[]>
groupBy<K>(fn: (item: T, i: number) => K, type: MapConstructor): Map<K, T[]>
import { compare, split, /* ... */ } from "@ayonli/jsext/uint8array";
// or
import "@ayonli/jsext/uint8array/augment";
compare(arr1: Uint8Array, arr2: Uint8Array): -1 | 0 | 1
equals(arr1: Uint8Array, arr2: Uint8Array): boolean
split<T extends Uint8Array>(arr: T, delimiter: number): T[]
chunk<T extends Uint8Array>(arr: T, length: number): T[]
compare(arr1: Uint8Array, arr2: Uint8Array): -1 | 0 | 1
equals(another: Uint8Array): boolean
split(delimiter: number): this[]
chunk(length: number): this[]
import { hasOwn, path, /* ... */ } from "@ayonli/jsext/object";
// or
import "@ayonli/jsext/object/augment";
hasOwn(obj: any, key: string | number | symbol): boolean
hasOwnMethod(obj: any, method: string | symbol): boolean
patch<T extends {}, U>(target: T, source: U): T & U
patch<T extends {}, U, V>(target: T, source1: U, source2: V): T & U & V
patch<T extends {}, U, V, W>(target: T, source1: U, source2: V, source3: W): T & U & V & W
patch(target: object, ...sources: any[]): any
pick<T extends object, U extends keyof T>(obj: T, keys: U[]): Pick<T, U>
pick<T>(obj: T, keys: (string | symbol)[]): Partial<T>
omit<T extends object, U extends keyof T>(obj: T, keys: U[]): Omit<T, U>
omit<T>(obj: T, keys: (string | symbol)[]): Partial<T>
as(obj: any, type: StringConstructor): string | null
as(obj: any, type: NumberConstructor): number | null
as(obj: any, type: BigIntConstructor): bigint | null
as(obj: any, type: BooleanConstructor): boolean | null
as(obj: any, type: SymbolConstructor): symbol | null
as<T>(obj: any, type: Constructor<T>): T | null
When augmenting, these functions will be attached to the Object
import { sum, avg, product } from "@ayonli/jsext/math";
// or
import "@ayonli/jsext/math/augment";
sum(...values: number[]): number
avg(...values: number[]): number
product(...values: number[]): number
When augmenting, these functions will be attached to the Math
import { timeout, after, sleep, until } from "@ayonli/jsext/promise";
// or
import "@ayonli/jsext/promise/augment";
timeout<T>(value: T | PromiseLike<T>, ms: number): Promise<T>
after<T>(value: T | PromiseLike<T>, ms: number): Promise<T>
sleep(ms: number): Promise<void>
until(test: () => boolean | Promise<boolean>): Promise<void>
When augmenting, these functions will be attached to the Promise
import BiMap from "@ayonli/jsext/collections/BiMap";
import CiMap from "@ayonli/jsext/collections/CiMap";
// or
import { BiMap, CiMap } from "@ayonli/jsext/collections";
// or
import "@ayonli/jsext/collections/augment";
BiMap<K, V>
(extendsMap<K, V>
) Bi-directional map, keys and values are unique and map to each other.prototype
(additional)getKey(value: V): K | undefined
hasValue(value: V): boolean
deleteValue(value: V): boolean
CiMap<K extends string, V>
(implementsMap<K, V>
) Case-insensitive map, keys are case-insensitive.
When augmenting, these types will be exposed to the global namespace.
import Exception from "@ayonli/jsext/error/Exception";
// or
import { Exception } from "@ayonli/jsext/error";
// or
import "@ayonli/jsext/error/augment";
)cause?: unknown
code: number
When augmenting, these types will be exposed to the global namespace.
toObject<T extends Error>(err: T): { [x: string | symbol]: any; }
fromObject<T extends Error>(obj: { [x: string | symbol]: any; }): T
toObject<T extends Error>(err: T): { [x: string | symbol]: any; }
fromObject<T extends Error>(obj: { [x: string | symbol]: any; }): T
toJSON(): { [x: string | symbol]: any; }
Import all sub-package augmentation at once
import "@ayonli/jsext/augment";
When to use augmentations
If we're developing libraries and share them openly on NPM, in order to prevent collision, it's better not to use augmentations, but use the corresponding functions from the sub-packages instead.
But if we're developing private projects, using augmentations can save a lot of time, it's easier to read and write, and make sense.
Web Support
When using this package in the browser, there are three ways to import this package.
- Import From
This is the same as above, but requires a module bundler such as webpack.
- Import ES Module
<script type="module">
import jsext from "https://deno.land/x/ayonli_jsext/esm/index.js";
import "https://deno.land/x/ayonli_jsext/esm/augment.js";
// or sub-packages
import { isFloat } from "https://deno.land/x/ayonli_jsext/esm/number/index.js";
import "https://deno.land/x/ayonli_jsext/esm/number/augment.js";
Note: the ES module can also be used in Deno.
- Include Bundle
<script src="https://deno.land/x/ayonli_jsext/bundle/index.js"></script>
const { default: jsext } = window["@ayonli/jsext"];
// this will also include the augmentations